Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mäusekot alarm in Cologne's Old Town Restaurants

Cologne - Two restaurateurs in the city was taken on Friday in front of the Cologne district court on trial.
And who's listened to what contributed prosecutor, defender and judge during the hearing on "Mäusekot" will probably continue to make the restaurants a wide berth ...
The descriptions of the prosecutor began by complaining that a guest in one of well-known restaurant after a meal of severe abdominal pain and intestinal discomfort.
Food inspectors discovered everywhere in heaps in the kitchen Mäusekot between the stored food. "If a visitor saw this, he would have felt disgust and revulsion to eat the food," says the indictment.
The defense attorneys said that would be sprinkled through the works in the Old Town and the construction of the flood barrier, the mice problem "extremely aggravated". Monthly pest control would be on the spot - even if we knew that this was not sufficient for this plague of mice.
"If you do not wegkriegen the mice, you must dichtmachen the place," said the judge. And the defender joked: "So yes, we would have to shut the whole town!"
Sentence for the restaurateurs: Procedures set! For one on payment of 3,600 euros. For the other without money edition - because he now moves for a year in jail. For tax evasion and non-payment of social security contributions.