Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Defendant drinks Scheuermilch

Cologne --
Was he afraid of the process? Hans-Juergen H. (47) is a senior citizen and have strangled then set fire.
So on Monday he would actually have to stand before the court. But he did not come because he was sick. On the morning of the first trial day, he ate breakfast in his cell milk with abrasives.
The manslaughter and serious arson defendants did not appear Monday morning in Room 210 of the Cologne District Court. The process participants informed the presiding judge Helmut Möller: The defendant has been drinking in prison in Ossendorf for breakfast milk, in which a "scouring agents had been" mixed. It was going badly for him that he was not negotiable.
"We do not know whether he has mixed himself or a fellow prisoner the drug in his milk carton," said Institute Director Michael Thewalt. The underground prison has handed himself in the morning, had been twice examined by a doctor, but once again he was doing better.
The allegations: In the night to 20 June 2009 local residents had called in the Vogelsangerstraße the fire because smoke from the home of Mary B. (forced 72). The rescuers found the senior lying dead beside her bathtub.
A subsequent autopsy showed that she was strangled. Hans Juergen H. stands under strong suspicion, he had lived for subletting an apartment in the senior citizen. The next is the trial Wednesday. According to the prison doctor, Hans-Juergen H. will be fit again by then.