Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Unfortunately overshadowed gold wedding

Brussels - 50 years ago gave Albert II and Paola tie the knot. To mark the golden wedding was celebrated the Belgian royal couple this weekend along with the subjects of a grand party. But a tragic coach accident overshadowed the celebration.
The balance of the accident, four injured, two seriously. One of the beidenSchwerverletzten was on Sunday evening at the Intensivstationeines hospital, but suffered no longer in danger. "DasKönigspaar wishes those injured a speedy recovery," said a palace spokesman.
At the party walked the horses a Kutschedurch. The runaway horse was gestopptwerden by the driver did not. In the collision rushed to the other coach, dieInsassen were thrown into the open. The injured were vonÄrzten the army supplied, and then taken to the hospital.
About 1,000 guests ware'n in the park desSchlosses loaded. Guests of honor were 178 other Belgian "gold couples" who had married on the same Tagwie Albert and Paola.