Friday, June 4, 2010

British wanted Podolski!

Cologne - At Bayern, he is a reservist, he returned to FC in the summer back.
That's why two English clubs set at the last moment everything in motion to rent for just under five months Podolski FC Bayern yet!
After EXPRESS information is wanted Tottenham Hotspur and Portsmouth the services of international striker secure. Poldi confirmed this to the Express: "Yes, these clubs were interested. Then there were also other. "
There were unsuccessful efforts. Podolski, "It was not for Bayern, still looking for a theme. I want to play the second round in Munich. "Poldi's first objectives include: to the squad for the home game against Dortmund and called to the squad for the match against Norway to be.
This will give coach Joachim Loew announced Thursday. Poldi: "I am fit again. Why should not I be here ...?"