Thursday, June 10, 2010

Top Model Sara Angel for Africa

There is hardly anyone who does not know her and harmonious face with the angelic smile and charming dimples.
And there is certainly no one who is so proud of her as her father, who works as a BMW mechanic.
For Sara Nuru (19), Germany's Next Top Model, and on Saturday evening betting guest star on "know that.?", Committed on Sunday for Karlheinz Böhm's foundation "People for People" - for Ethiopia, the home of her family.
Always, when it came to Africa, the television was switched on in the house Nuru. Then assembled in the Munich apartment of the father, mother, daughters.
Was this a review of Ethiopia, the friends were hastily called their parents, German, based on the donor list of Bohm are Ethiopian help.
Greedy they drew the pictures of a distant homeland. Because the desire of the heart did not even leave. Sara's two grandmothers living there. Twice was the granddaughter with them last 2002nd Since she was 12 years old. "The memory fades," she says. You remember: "Ethiopia is green."
And destitute! But that will change the new top model Heidi Klum. In early September she traveled to Ethiopia - as an ambassador for People for People ".
She will visit schools, look to the bright eyes of little girls and boys who ran several miles to come to their teacher. "Ethiopia is a young country. Half the population is under 18, is younger than me, "explains Sara.
She is excited wants to know the country of which they know that it is among the poorest of the earth: "I am glad that I can help. It is not an honor that I join in there. "
This Sunday put Almaz Böhm and Sara her youth in Berlin for Ethiopia "Generation ABC-2015", with which it wants to get attention for Ethiopia and donations.
Sara goes with a smile to the world. "Smile at someone, you get back a smile." She is certain: You get the life back what you give. With her it is just the reverse. You got something and is something zurück.Mit a smile.
Find out more: Harsh criticism of top model Sara Nuru> Emilíana Torrini sang the song in the Top Model finale> "My family makes me so strong"> Sara Nuru is "America's Next Top Model">
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