Thursday, March 4, 2010

Doctor botch? Marie (12) almost bled to death

Cologne - bungling in the clinic and no end: The Cologne Regional Court to examine whether a 12-year-old would have bled to death because of a dosage error, almost. According to the records it's obviously a lot of this.
The 12-year-old Marie last (name) was a heart defect, despite a spirited child. On the advice of the doctors and decided after lengthy consultation, the parents agree to a complicated heart surgery. Because they wanted the best for their child. And also one of the best hospitals: the University Clinic in Cologne.
After the operation once everything looked pretty good. As with all cardiac surgeries Marie heparin was administered, a drug that inhibits blood clotting. And ensures that, when the newly operated on does not lead to thrombosis or stroke. For with the blood thinner heparin.
But when something terrible Marie: She was bleeding from all drains and pipes suddenly happened, more and more. "Because of the heavy loss of blood, it came to a cardiac arrest," it says in the records of the Cologne District Court (case no 25 O 351/05).
Apparently, it's written, heparin dosage was completely wrong. Instead of an hourly dose of Mary is to the daily ration per hour have been administered. So, 24 times as much as actually shown. Who administered the dose, remained unknown.
With difficulty, the girl was revived and stabilized. Marie is now 15th According to her lawyer, she suffers from a significant learning and memory weakness.
Therefore, it requires € 10,000 for pain and suffering. A reviewer argued in the process, the learning disability may also be due to prior therapies, in which the girl was connected to the heart-lung machine. The parties have until April to speak again.