Thursday, March 11, 2010

They heat with the dryer

Dusseldorf - five degrees at night, no hot water and tumble dryer as a heater replacement: A new development Düsseldorf shivers. Again and again the heating of the 44 homes is out on the road to Weimar Vennhausen. The owner promises a renewal of society - in the spring ...
Several times a month, we have to be cold, "complains Thomas last inhabitants Z. (all names). "At night we sleep in thick sweaters and two blankets. K., and like his family is 43 other tenants. Since the winter of 2007 will always fall back from the central heating. Times for hours, sometimes for days.
Low point: a cold all week in November. "At that time we have collected signatures for a new heating system," said Ute Z. "Almost all the residents were involved, but the company owner has not responded. No rent reduction, not an excuse, not even an explanation for the problems. "
Even during the current period, the weakened cold heating "Friday evening, it suddenly became colder. The night was terrible! "Said tenant, Anne F." On Saturday, the heating was repaired, but only worked a few hours. Late in the evening, we had only five degrees. "
Anne F.s family kälteerprobt. In the closet hats, scarves and winter jackets are available. In addition to lots of hot tea to help in emergencies, unusual measures, "We stop at Oven and dryer," says her mother Anne. "We have some hot air."
Her neighbor Ute Z. suffers from the problems and professionally: "I can not do without hot water shower. Episode: colleagues I talk to my greasy hair. "Z. sends your children during the cold nights with relatives. "Because they are better off than in an apartment where we see our own breath.
Stephan Schmidt, spokesman for the Home responsible Evonik GmbH: "We are aware of the problems. We will renew the entire heating system in the spring. During the current Hochheizperiode it makes no sense. The residents had during the exchange of cold homes for days. "
Also read: Kälftefrei in 42 Schools> To protect themselves against the cold, the Düsseldorf> What to do when the heating on strike>